
How Much Does It Cost to Hire an Event Management Company?

Ever wondered how much it really costs to hire an event management company? As a business owner, you already have a million things on your plate, so planning a big event for your company probably isn’t at the top of your to-do list. But company events are important for morale, networking, and branding. An event management company can take the hassle and stress out of event planning so you can focus on your business. But these services don’t come cheap.

The costs can vary quite a bit depending on the type of event, number of guests, location, catering, entertainment, decor, transportation, and a whole host of other factors. A small cocktail party for 50 people may only set you back CHF 5,000 to CHF 10,000 whereas a multi-day conference for 500 attendees could cost CHF 100,000 or more. But before you balk at the prices, do a cost-benefit analysis. The right event management company has the expertise and experience to actually save you money in the long run and ensure your event is seamless, impactful, and memorable.

Factors That Influence Event Management Pricing

When hiring an event management company, pricing depends on several factors.

Experience and expertise

An established company with a proven track record of success will likely charge more than a newcomer. Their experience organizing similar events means less chance of mistakes and a higher likelihood of pulling off a flawless event. For a high-profile event, the extra cost is often worth the peace of mind.

Scope and complexity

The more complex your event is, the higher the costs. Things like the number of guests, choice of venue, catering options, entertainment, lodging, and transportation requirements all affect the price tag. Organizing a multi-day conference for 500 people is far more labor-intensive than planning an office party for 50.

Add-on services

Do you need help with registration, guest speakers, promotional materials, or technology? Event planners that offer turnkey solutions with a wide range of a la carte services will charge accordingly. If you only need assistance with specific aspects, you may save by handling other details yourself.

Location and season

Events held at a premium venue during peak season will likely incur higher fees. Off-season or mid-week events at more affordable locations can help lower costs.

In summary, event management pricing depends on the level of service, experience, and specific requirements of your event. While fees may seem high, a pro can actually help you save money by avoiding costly mistakes and maximizing your budget. For a successful event, finding the right planner for your needs and budget is well worth the investment.

Average Cost Ranges for Different Business Event Types

If you’re planning a corporate event, the costs can vary quite a bit depending on the type. Here are some average ranges to expect:

Conferences and Trade Shows

You’ll typically pay between CHF 20,000 to CHF 50,000 or more for an event management company to handle a major conference. The final cost depends on factors like venue, A/V requirements, number of attendees, and any interactive or experiential elements. For a large trade show, you could pay CHF 20,000-CHF 100,000 or even higher.

Product Launches and Brand Activations

Launching a new product or service? Expect to pay CHF 10,000-CHF 30,000 for an event management agency to organize an impactful launch event. Brand activations, like pop-up shops or experience centers, often cost CHF 20,000- CHF 60,000 or more. The more interactive and social media-friendly the activation, the higher the price tag.

Award Dinners and Galas

For a formal dinner, award ceremony or fundraising gala, you’ll usually pay CHF 15,000 to CHF 50,000 or more for full-service event planning and management. Factors include guest list size, catering, entertainment, decor, and any special presentations or experiences.

The bottom line? Event management fees can vary significantly based on the type of event, complexity, and overall guest experience you want to achieve. But for any major corporate event, expect to budget at least CHF 10,000 to CHF 30,000 or more to hire an experienced event management company that can handle all the details and ensure your event is executed flawlessly.

Getting the Best Value When Hiring an Event Management Company

When hiring an event management company, you want to get the best value for your investment. Here are some tips to keep costs under control:

Be Flexible With Your Event Date

Event planners often charge higher rates during peak wedding season or around major holidays. If you’re open to alternative dates, you may be able to save significantly. Consider weekdays or Sundays for your event instead of Saturday prime time.

Provide a Realistic Budget

Give the event planner a budget range you’re comfortable with upfront. Be open and honest about what you can afford so they can suggest appropriate options and make recommendations to get the most from your budget. They can only work with what you provide, so give them realistic figures to achieve your goals.

Handle Some Tasks Yourself

Do you want to be highly involved or prefer to hand everything over to the planner? If you’re on a tight budget, consider taking on some responsibilities yourself like designing invitations, centerpieces or favors. You’ll save on labor fees and also inject more of your personal style into the event.

Negotiate the Fees

Most event planners will charge an hourly rate, flat fee or percentage of total event costs. Ask about the different fee structures to determine what will be most affordable and suitable for your needs. Then, don’t be afraid to negotiate for a lower rate, especially if you’re booking far in advance. Planners often offer discounts for signing contracts early.

Compare Multiple Planners

Get proposals from different planners to compare their rates and services. If the fees seem high, explain your budget concerns to see if they’ll work with you. Some planners may be willing to lower their rates to win your business, especially if you express interest in using them for future events.


So there you have it, a rough idea of what you can expect to pay to hire an event management company to plan your next big company event or conference. As with anything, you get what you pay for, so if you want an experienced team that will handle all the details and ensure your event is memorable and impactful, be prepared to pay on the higher end of the range. On the other hand, if you’re on a tight budget or just need some help with the logistics, you can likely find a smaller local company to assist at a lower cost. At the end of the day, bringing in the professionals is worth the investment for the peace of mind and successful event. Now go start planning – your attendees will thank you!


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